Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rude RobutTune is Peeping

Mr. RobutTune is peeping in here.

What will he find?!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

MindDots has reached top 10 in SG App store

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the support.

MindDots has reached top 10 in SG App store under Educational Games and top 20 under Kids Games.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

MindDots is a fun learning tool for all ages. It improves our overall memory as well as cognitive ability.

MindDots is the first mobile right brain image memory learning game using a sets of dot icons.

The image memory training can provide significant improvements in an individual's memory, creativity, speed of learning and calculation.

Learning Mode:
Image learning suitable for children from 0 to 3 years old
- Learn to associate a number to the quantity of image objects. It helps to improve calculation and problem solving.
- It comes with a choice of random or ordered layout.
- It is voice-enabled for children to learn about the numbers and quantities.

Fun Play Mode with Practice and Competition:
Accuracy (Quantity recognition)
- Test on counting speed and accuracy
- The brain is able to measure quantity through perception at high speed with a bit more practices.
- It improves an individual's speed of calculation and sharpness in decision making.
Sequence (Spatial sequence memory)
- Test on recognition of temporal memory space with longer retention.
- It requires accurate recognition of sequential images.
- It improves an individual's retention of memory and complements the IQ as well.
Instant (Spatial instant memory)
- Test on recognition of short term temporal memory space.
- It requires instant recognition of image objects and their corresponding locations.
- It improves an individual's short term memory and sharpness in image recognition.
Agility (Speed tracing memory)
- Test on accuracy and sharpness
- It requires a combination of sequential memory, instant memory and accuracy memory skills
- It improves an individual's overall capability of the memory and IQ.

Connect to your friends and publish your results now with Facebook Connect.